Homeschool Enrichment Classes
Welcome to Compass360
Homeschool enrichment ministry of Compass Church.
We're so glad you're here!!
Compass360 is a homeschool enrichment program designed for all students, grades 1-12. Our mission is two fold: to support and encourage families as they follow their passion to home-educate their children; and to offer children engaging, enriching classes to 'fill in the gaps' of their academic, social, and spiritual development.
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About Compass360
Discover how Compass360 can help you grow in your faith journey with engaging, life-changing experiences designed to deepen your connection with God and others.
We are a passionate group of leaders striving to honor God by offering homeschool enrichment classes that provide complimentary support for the families of the next generation. Compass360 is unique to our area in that we provide a "drop-off" opportunity for parents and students to enjoy! Our program is administered by qualified and experienced staff members of Compass Church, including several homeschool parents. The program primarily offers enrichment/extra-curricular classes. We meet on Monday afternoons and Friday mornings for a 14 week semester in the fall and a 16 week semester in the winter/spring. Each semester we have new and exciting offerings based on the greatest need and requests.
Compass360 Homeschool Enrichment Program seeks to provide a place for relationship and fellowship with like-minded families as we endeavor to homeschool our children. To that end, we come together to offer group classes in order to supplement and enrich our children's education.
Compass360 believes in the right of every parent to determine the educational path of their children. Compass360 yields to the Lord Jesus Christ and the infallible Word of God (the Bible) as our guide and final authority for life.
Compass360 believes that children are a heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and that God has commanded Christian parents to train their children according to the Word of God (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4).
I. Who Are We:
Compass360 is a Christian educational supplement and social network for home-schooling families, providing opportunity for students to come together and share their educational experience for the mutual benefit of all participants.
II. Mission Statement:
Compass360 Homeschool Enrichment Program seeks to provide a place for relationship and fellowship with like-minded families as we endeavor to homeschool our children. To that end, we come together to offer group classes in order to supplement and enrich our children's education.
III. Statement of Purpose:
1. To serve God as we serve and encourage each another.
2. To provide social involvement through activities.
3. To provide educational opportunities as a group.
4. To share educational successes and failures with each other.
5. To teach our children responsibility, respect, and cooperation.
IV. Statement of Faith:
Compass360 has been established on and will operate by the following statements. All are welcome to join us. Participating members are not required to agree with these beliefs nor are they required to sign a statement of faith. However, content taught in classes will be aligned with a Biblical worldview. Compass360 believes in the right of every parent to determine the educational path of their children. Compass360 yields to the Lord Jesus Christ and the infallible Word of God (the Bible) as our guide and final authority for life.
Compass360 believes that children are a heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and that God has commanded Christian parents to train their children according to the Word of God (Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4).
V. Contact:
Email will be the primary means of communication. Members are responsible for checking their email on a regular basis to receive important news related to co-op. Pertinent information will also be added to this website.
VI. Duties:
Parent Responsibilities:
1. Respect and adhere to all guidelines.
2. Read through all guidelines with their children and encourage adherence to them.
3. Review with children how they are to conduct themselves in a classroom setting.
4. Monitor the behavior of their children. Parents are to check with their child’s teacher periodically to inquire how the child is doing in their classroom.
5. Be willing to adhere to the Discipline Procedures and Conflict Resolution Procedure.
6. Contact the Coordinator as soon as possible if they are to be absent.
7. Check email on a regular basis as this is the primary official method of communication.
8. Arrive/drop-off on time.
9. Return and pick-up on time.
10. Submit to a background check, if you plan to remain on campus.
11. Social Media: Please do not post public photos of students on social media without the permission of the students' parents. We maintain a private group on Facebook for photos, UNOFFICIAL communication, and community connection.
Student Responsibilities:
1. Respect and obey those in authority and follow directions in the classroom.
2. Respect their peers. No pushing, hitting, shoving or horseplay.
3. Respect church property.
4. Conduct oneself in a safe and orderly manner.
5. Be prepared for class (reading, homework, etc.)
6. Set any cell phones to vibrate and keep phones in a pocket.
7. Will not text message during class.
8. Will not bring personal video games to class.
9. Keep dating relationships outside of class time.
10. Refrain from physical displays of affection.
VII. Discipline Procedures:
If a child is being uncooperative, disruptive or disrespectful, the following procedures will be followed:
1. The child will be spoken to by the adult that is in charge.
2. If unacceptable behavior continues, the child will be asked to sit out of the activity for a time.
3. If the child still exhibits unacceptable behavior, their parent will be called to return to campus.
4. If the child repeats the unacceptable behavior the following week, the parent will be required to stay in the class with their child.
5. If the child repeats the unacceptable behavior the following week, the child will be removed from the class until a meeting can take place between the teacher, parent, child and at least two members of the Leadership Team to discuss whether the child can return to class, or will need to sit out the remainder of the session.
Please note that if a parent feels the need to discipline THEIR OWN CHILD, they should not do so in front of other children, but rather do this in private.
VIII. Conflict Resolution Procedure:
Unfortunately, personality conflicts and misunderstandings can happen. It is important that we agree on how to deal with these situations, should they arise. In using Matthew 18 as our guide, if a conflict arises, parents and teachers should seek to resolve the issue on their own. If either party is unsatisfied or a resolution (when all parties reach mutual agreement or understanding) cannot be met, the parties then need to seek the assistance of the Compass360 Coordinator who oversees the program. As a last resort, the conflict will be taken to the Leadership Team and they will prayerfully make a final decision. If a party is unwilling to abide by the Leadership Team's decision or is unwilling to follow these guidelines, that party may be asked to leave the group.
IX. Building Use Rules:
1. No running.
2. No ball playing in or around the building.
3. No chewing gum permitted.
4. No pocket knives permitted.
5. No food outside of the designated area.
6. Students are not to open any outside doors to allow someone in.
7. No one is to go into the church office without permission .
8. Check several times prior to leaving to ensure that you have all of your family’s belongings, including take home papers.
Please remember that Compass Church our host. We need to behave as guests while using their facilities and equipment. Accidents will happen. This is expected. If, however, property and/or equipment are damaged intentionally or as a result of disregarding the rules of conduct set forth in this handbook, you as a parent may be held financially responsible for any repair or replacement of such damaged property and/or equipment.
X. Media:
Compass360 Staff may take photos/videos of students and families during classes or other related events. By registering with Compass360, you are agreeing that these photos/videos may be used in our publications, on our website, or on our social media platforms.
XI. Weather Cancellations:
If we are experiencing bad weather, please check your e-mail prior to leaving home to see if classes have been cancelled. A cancellation will be posted by 8:00 am (for morning classes) and 12:00 pm (for afternoon classes). We are also aware that weather conditions can vary from place to place. If the roads are clear in our area, but the roads are not safe in your area, please email the leadership and inform them you will be absent. If there are a great number of families who cannot safely make it to classes, that will have an impact on whether we cancel or not.
XII. Illness Policy:
For the consideration and well being of others, we ask you to keep your family at home if you or anyone in your immediate household is experiencing any of the following symptoms:
1. Fever over 100 (within the last 24 hours)
2. New onset of loss of sense of taste or smell
3. Colored (yellow or green snotty nose) or copious mucus
4. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea (within the last 48 hours)
5. Eye drainage or crusty eyelids
6. Virus or infection known to be contagious
7. Contagious rashes, ring worm
8. Head lice
The Leadership Team reserves the right to send home any family with a student exhibiting these symptoms.
XIII. Allergies:
Students who have food allergies will be identified. Please be keenly aware of all children in your student's class that have allergies. While Compass360 makes every attempt to decrease allergen exposure for participants, ultimately, it is the responsibility of the parents with a child who has allergies to bear the responsibility for their child's well being. We do not operate in facilities that are nut free, but we do STRONGLY encourage everybody to only bring nut-free snacks to co-op.
XIV. Registration Grade/Age Guidelines:
Our co-op is designed primarily for school-age children. Registration requests for students under 6 years old will not be processed. Unfortunately we do not have the building capacity to admit younger children. After much prayer and discussion, Compass360 Leadership decided that we need to give preference to homeschooling students in grades 1-12 . (ages 6-18) We understand that many homeschooling families choose not to assign grade levels to their students. However, in this setting, we have guidelines for how a student is assigned for classes. Our program is broken up into 3 levels:
Grades 1-2: This program is for students who will be at least 6 by September of the school year.
Grades 3-5: Participants must be at least 8 by September of the school year.
Grades 6-12: There is a higher level of maturity and independence expected at this level. Because of this, the student must be at least 12 by September of the school year.
As always, parents can determine the student's group by academic or social fit .
XV. Refund Policy:
Registration fees are not refundable. Additional class fees will only be refunded if the teacher has not purchased supplies for your student. No refunds are issued after classes begin.

How It Works
Compass360 is a true drop-off program. Parents will check your child into our secure check-in station and parents are then able to leave campus during class hours. Our qualified and experienced staff take care of the rest! Every Monday and Friday, we offer a rotation of 3 fun and enriching classes; one academic based, one activity based, and one Bible based.
The day starts with a 20 minute 'Assembly' (Announcements, Pledge of Allegiance, worship song, devotional, prayer). Then students divide into grade groups (1-2, 3-5, 6-12) for the first period of 50 minutes. At the end of this period, students rotate to the next 50 minute class and then the final 50 minute class. Once classes are complete, parents return to pick-up their child(ren).
It's just that simple!
We have three options for participation in Compass360 classes. The following options are provided each semester:
- Option #1 - Monday rotation of 3 classes - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
- Option #2 - Friday rotation of 3 classes - 9:00am - 12:00am
- Option #3 - Both Monday and Friday options combined - 6 total classes
The classes for each rotation will be announced each semester in the 'classes' section. Your student will participate in all 3 classes offered on a particular day. Some classes will be for only one semester. Others will extend 2 semesters or possibly more.
Dad and Mom register Sara, their 2nd grade daughter and Matt, their 7th grade son for Compass360.
They choose Option #2, the Friday morning rotation.
- Mom checks the kids in at Compass360 at 8:45 on Friday morning. She then goes to run errands and buy groceries while the kids are in class.
- Sara and Matt go to the main auditorium for Assembly at 9:00.
- At 9:15 they are sent to their classrooms for first period.
- First period, Sara is in Geography class. Matt is in Wordview class. There is also a P.E. class going on for the 3-5th grade.
- They each stay in these classes until 10:00.
- At 10:00 until 10:15 all the students regroup for a quick snack.
- At 10:20 second period begins.
- This period, Sara is in P.E. class and Matt rotates to Geography while the other 3-5th do Worldview.
- At 11:05, second period ends and students rotate one last time to third period.
- Sara now goes to Worldview, Matt rotates to P.E., and the 3-5th kids do Geography.
- Third period ends at 11:55 and Mom returns to pick up the kids at 12:00 noon.
Sara and Matt love Compass360 so much, they plan to also join the Monday rotation next semester!
What It Costs
Compass360 strives to make supplemental homeschool classes as affordable as possible. The registration fee covers the costs of facility maintenance, liability insurance, administration, teacher's curriculum and general classroom supplies. There MAY also be an additional supply or curriculum fee required for a particular class. Those fees will be described in the class registration section. In the event that you withdraw your registration, this fee is not refundable.
If you have a financial need, please communicate with us before registering so that we can make special arrangements with you.
If you (parent) choose to remain on campus during class hours, there will also be a $15 fee assessed for your background check.
We're going to keep this simple! There is no "one-time" family registration fee. No extra admin fee. No hidden charges.
One Student = One Option choice for One semester = One Fee
Option #1 - Monday rotation of 3 classes - 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Option #2 - Friday rotation of 3 classes - 9:00am - 12:00am
Option #3 - Both Monday and Friday options combined - 6 total classes
- Each student pays a flat fee per semester of $98 for Option #1.
- OR $98 for Option #2.
- OR each student can receive a discounted rate of $168 per semester for choosing Option #3.
- Each student pays a flat fee per semester of $112 for Option #1.
- OR $112 for Option #2.
- OR each student can receive a discounted rate of $192 per semester for choosing Option #3.
"I have 3 kids who will attend Option #1 on Mondays for the fall semester" - Total due = $294
"We are enrolling our 2 kids for Option #3, Mondays and Fridays for the spring semester" - Total due = $384
"My 1 daughter has chosen the Friday Option #2 for the fall semester" - Total due = $98
Please note that some classes will have an additional fee. See class description for details.
We also have a one-time fee of $15 for a background check of any adult who will remain on campus during class hours. There are options available for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. These arrangements must be made BEFORE registration or your requests will not be approved.
Compass360 strives to make supplemental homeschool classes as affordable as possible. The registration fee covers the costs of facility maintenance, liability insurance, administration, teacher's curriculum and general classroom supplies. There MAY also be an additional supply or curriculum fee required for a particular class. Those fees will be described in the class registration section.
In the event that you withdraw your registration, this fee is not refundable.
If you have a financial need, please communicate with us before registering so that we can make special arrangements with you.
If you choose to remain on campus during class hours, there will also be a $15 fee assessed for your background check.

Where We Meet
7603 US Highway 280 W - Auburn Alabama
Near the new intersection of North College and Highway 280 Next door to the Farmville Fire Department and Community Center
Register Now!
Or Explore Our Current Classes
Monday Classes

Everybody loves a farm! Through hands-on lessons and activities, our students will learn how to create and sustain their very own homestead. Studies will include basic use of land, buildings and fences, natural resources, farm animals and their uses, gardening techniques and a load of other practical information. When possible, a live specimen will be introduced to the class for observation. There will also be ongoing class projects; hatching chicks from eggs, creating a worm bed, planting seeds, milking a goat or growing some tadpoles into frogs. The specific projects are yet to be finalized. Whatever the case, it promises to be wildly fun and super educational. We can hardly wait to see what we can learn together.
Whether your child is the next Mozart or just destined to sing solos in the shower, he/she is bound to benefit from music education! Research has shown that learning music facilitates a deeper learning in other subjects and enhances understanding necessary to thrive in more developed concepts. Our music class will be, not only educational, but tons of fun! We will focus on styles, rhythms, genres, instruments and vocals. But this is not going to be your average "boring" music theory or music history class! We are going to bring a hands-on approach, giving students the opportunity to try different instruments and possibly find a new passion or talent. We will incorporate games that lead to understanding musical concepts, study historical musicians, and listen to a variety of different styles. Ultimately, we are going to put instruments into your students hands and let them enjoy the music!
What better way to build math skills than to turn it into a game! This class is bound to be a student favorite. Each week we will introduce a different math concept and then incorporate a game that reinforces that concepts. Of course, each student's level of understanding will be considered when assigning the particular games. Some games will be familiar and some will be brand new. All of them promise to be FUN and EDUCATIONAL.
Friday Classes
Whether he was writing an essay or an allegory, C.S. Lewis used simple, conversational language to help his readers engage in profound theological and philosophical questions.
In this class we will read both fantasy and philosophy and reflect on the nature of good and evil, our own moral compass, and what makes "good writing" good.
What do you want to be when you grow up? That's the question every student faces at some point in their young life. Why not start now exploring the many options that will be available to them when the time comes for them to decide.
Youngest students will explore different "jobs" in our community, such as fireman, nurse, baker, musician, and many more.
Middle and older students will take a more direct approach, examining their likes and talents and considering the pros and cons of selected career paths.
Take a journey around the world as we explore all 7 continents and 5 oceans. This is more than a Geography course! It's history, it's culture, it's nature, it's maps and it's so much more! This course will open the world to the students as we study the climate, culture, landmarks, wildlife and many more aspects of the world around us, near and far.